Finding Stillness Amongst the Chaos
I was born and raised in South Louisiana and never did I ever think that I would wake up to such a Winter Wonderland last Tuesday morning. It was quite a sight to see. I immediately had to act out the last scene of the Baryshnikov version of the Nutcracker; looking far off into the snow wondering if what I just witnessed was a dream or not. Next was getting my gear on so I can be a snowflake in the snow. Snow brings such a sense of grace and stillness that mimics the art of ballet. You become fully aware of your surroundings and you need to look far off into the distance for what is to come. After frolicking in the snow, it was time to stay cozy inside and admire the snow.
The absolute silence and sense of stillness kept coming back to me. It was as if my soul needed to reflect on the importance of finding stillness in my personal surroundings. It allowed myself to feel gratitude for so many gifts. I think being off of work for an entire week helped bring this sense of stillness and joy, but it was such a special reminder of how important it is to relish in the idea of stillness.
Now that it is Sunday, the night before a new school week, I am finding myself in more of a tug of war in holding onto stillness while being aware of the chaotic energy that is about to be present in my life. How do we bring the same energy of a winter wonderland into our everyday lives? For me, it is a reminder that the stillness can be created within yourself. This stillness can be brought within a chaotic energy. It may be the patience you have for your students. It is a gentle reminder that we all yearn for the stillness. Instead of bringing anxious behavior into the uncertainty of returning to teaching, I am adapting the calm energy that will be more productive in the end.
Stillness word count=9
Ballet in the Snow